
male female diverse

I accept the conditions of participation.

I consent to the personal data I entered when registering for the Retail Panel being processed and saved at Mercedes-Benz AG for selection as a potential participant in a survey in the Retail Panel. I consent to being contacted by Mercedes-Benz AG by email, telephone or SMS for the purposes of participation offers, appointment scheduling and organizational arrangements. I have read and accepted the Data Privacy Declaration of Consent .

Please note:
Do you work in the USA, China or South Korea? We are currently working hard to make the Retail Panel available in these countries. But we can already reserve a place in the Retail Panel for you! Simply send us an email with your name and email address to retail_panel@mercedes-benz.com!

The controller defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:

Mercedes-Benz AG „we“
Mercedesstraße 120
70372 Stuttgart

The contact information for the Mercedes-Benz AG data protection officer is as follows:

Mercedes-Benz Group AG
Chief Officer for Corporate Data Protection:
HPC E600
70546 Stuttgart, Germany
E-Mail: data.protection@mercedes-benz.com

1. Data protection

  1. We are pleased about your visit on our web pages and your interest in our offers. The protection of your personal data is an important concern for us. In these Privacy Statement we explain how we collect your personal data, what we do with it, for what purposes and on what legal basis this is done, and which rights and claims are associated with it for you. In addition, we refer to the Mercedes-Benz Data Protection Policy:

  2. Mercedes-Benz Data Protection Policy.

  3. Our Privacy Statement for the use of our websites and the Data Protection Policy of Mercedes-Benz AG do not apply to your activities on the websites of social networks or other providers that you can reach via the links on our websites. Please check the websites of these providers for their data protection regulations.

2. Collection and processing of your personal data

  1. For your participation in the Retail Panel, first the data will be saved as entered by you for registration and master data updates for the Panel. Second, if you take part in a panel survey, the data that you enter during the survey will be saved. Furthermore, non-personal data from the panel will be linked to the survey data using a pseudonym (code) in order to analyze the survey in a more specific manner. Third, during access and direction to some pages of the panel or the pages of a survey, our data processing systems enter technical data in log files automatically (such as abbreviated IP address, timestamp, files accessed, information on browsers / operating systems, etc.). This technical data will be saved separately and not linked to the panel or survey data.

  2. The technical data will be collected in order to ensure seamless provision and functionality of our services on a regular basis and so that we may respond appropriately in the event of criminal attacks. No user profiles of any kind will be created as a result. The log files will be deleted automatically after 30 days.

  3. We will process other personal information only if you share that information; for instance, by filling out a registration form, contact form, survey, contest entry or to execute a contract. In such cases, we will store only the data we are allowed to keep based on consent given by you or in accordance with applicable legal regulations (more information on this can be found in the section titled "Legal Basis for Processing").

  4. You are not legally or contractually obliged to make available your personal data. However, it is possible that certain functions of our websites depend on the availability of personal data. If you do not make available personal data in these cases, this may result in functions not being available.

3. Purposes of use

  1. We use the personal data collected when you visit our website in order to operate it in the most convenient manner for your use and to protect our IT systems from attacks and other illegal activities.

  2. If you provide us with further personal data – during a registration process, in a contact form, a survey, a prize drawing or for fulfillment of an agreement, for example – we will use this data for the indicated purposes, for the purposes of participant management.

4. Transfer of personal data to third parties; use of service providers

  1. We also use qualified service providers (IT service providers, marketing agencies, market research institutes) to operate, optimize and secure our websites. We only pass on personal data to third parties if and to the extent necessary for the provision and use of the websites and their functionalities, for the pursuit of legitimate interests or if you have consented to it (see section “Legal bases of processing” below). 

5. Security

  1. We use technical and organisational security measures to protect your data managed by us against manipulation, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorised persons. We are constantly improving our security measures in line with technological developments.

6. Legal bases of processing

  1. Insofar as you have given us your consent for the processing of your personal data, that consent is the legal basis for the processing (Art. 6 para. 1 letter a GDPR).

  2. Insofar as the processing of your personal data is necessary for the fulfilment of our legal obligations (e.g. for the retention of data), we are authorized to do so pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 letter c GDPR.

  3. Furthermore, we process personal data in order to assert our legitimate interests as well as those of a third party in accordance with Article 6, (1)(f) GDPR. Examples of such legitimate interests include maintaining the functionality of our IT systems as well as the (direct) marketing of our products and services and those of third parties and the legally required documentation of business contacts. As part of the consideration of interests required in each case, we take into account various aspects – in particular, the type of personal information, the purpose of processing, the circumstances of processing, and your interest in the confidentiality of your personal information and the protection of your privacy.

7. Deletion of your personal data

  1. We delete your personal data as soon as the purpose for which we have collected and processed the data ceases to apply. Beyond this time period, data storage only takes place to the extent made necessary by the legislation, regulations or other legal provisions to which we are subject in the EU or by legal provisions in third-party countries if these have an appropriate level of data protection. Should it not be possible to delete data in individual cases, the relevant personal data are flagged to restrict their further processing.

8. Rights of the data subject

  1. As a data subject, you have the right of access (Art. 15 GDPR), right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR), right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR) and right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR).

  2. If you have consented to the processing of your personal data by us, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. The legality of processing your personal data before revocation remains unaffected. We may further process such data pursuant to another applicable legal basis, e.g. for the fulfilment of our legal obligations (see section "Legal bases of processing").

  3. Right to object

  4. You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 letter e GDPR (data processing in the public interest) or Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests) on grounds relating to your particular situation. If you object, we will only process your personal data if we can prove compelling legitimate reasons that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. To the extent we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object thereto at any time without giving reasons.

  5. We ask you to address your claims or declarations to the following contact address if possible: retail_panel@mercedes-benz.com.

  6. If you feel that the processing of your personal data is in breach of legal requirements, you have the right to file a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR). The data protection authority responsible for Mercedes-Benz AG is the State Officer for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Baden-Württemberg.

9. Cookies

  1. Information on the cookies we use and their functions can be found in our Cookie Statement:


Last update: January 2024

Privacy Statement for Survey Participation

In this Privacy Statement, we will explain to you how we process your personal data when you register for the Retail Panel and subsequently take part in our surveys. Protecting your personal data is our top priority and is taken into account for all of our business processes. The Privacy Statement below provides you with a detailed overview of how we process your personal data in connection with your participation in surveys and their being conducted by Mercedes-Benz AG. "Personal data" means all information that relates to a natural person who has been or can be identified. With this privacy statement, we are informing you of the type, scope and purpose for which we collect your personal data as well as how we handle that data. You will also learn what rights you are entitled to regarding the processing of your personal data.

1 To whom does this privacy policy apply?

  1. Here, we will inform you about the collection and processing of your personal data as part of your registration for the Retail Panel for the purpose of participating in Retail Panel surveys.

2 Controller and Data Protection Officer

  1. The controller responsible for both processing your personal data for the purpose of registering for the Retail Panel and processing your personal data during your participation in surveys on the basis of your prior registration for the Retail Panel is named below:

    As defined by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the controller responsible for processing your data collected from your registration and any surveys is:

  2. Mercedes-Benz AG
    Mercedesstraße 120
    70372 Stuttgart
    HRB No.: 762873

  3. The contact information for the Mercedes-Benz AG data protection officer is as follows:

  4. Mercedes-Benz Group AG
    Chief Officer for Corporate Data Protection
    HPC E600
    70546 Stuttgart, Germany
    E-Mail: data.protection@mercedes-benz.com

3 Data and purpose of use

  1. We process personal data („Data“) under the principles of data reduction and data minimization only to the extent necessary, as permitted due to applicable legal regulations, according to our obligations, or if you have granted your consent.

    Provided that nothing else arises from the following, the terms "process" and "processing" refer in particular to the collection, use, disclosure and transmission of personal data (on this subject, see Article 4 (2) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation („GDPR“)).

    As part of your registration for the Retail Panel and participation in surveys, we will collect your data, provided you have given us your consent to do so. Through the Retail Panel, we conduct surveys for purposes of market research with the objective of improving our products and processes in the areas of sales and customer service and to address specific customer and market needs. If you have given us your consent during the registration process, we will use your data to manage participants, in particular to select suitable participants for specific surveys (e.g. based on your length of company service, your use of certain products, and your specific role at your company) and to contact you as part of such market research projects. The invitations to the market research projects that match your profile will be issued via e-mail and/or directly on the platform at https://retail-panel.mercedes-benz.com.

    In particular, necessary data in connection with your registration include the following:

    • First and last names
    • E-mail address
    • Market/country
    • Details concerning your job profile
    • Name and location of company
    • Vehicle category and/or division(s) with which you work

  2. The following additional personal data can be provided on a voluntary basis:

    • Age
    • Sales/customer service systems you use
    • Information on your company (e.g. EQC company, MAR2020 company)

  3. As part of your participation in surveys, we will collect your data, provided you have given us your consent to do so. The specific data we collect will be based on your responses to the individual questions.

  4. Participation in a survey and responding to individual questions are voluntary.

  5. Based on the results of the survey, we will prepare anonymous analyses that do not reveal your identity. We will not use your answers to analyze your personality and will not store your answers together with data that identifies you (e.g. name or e-mail address). The anonymized data will be analyzed to determine the differences between individual countries and job profiles, to improve our products and processes and to recognize the specifics of each country and job profile.

4 What is the basis (legal basis) for processing my data?

  1. During your registration for the Retail Panel and your participation in surveys in connection with the Retail Panel, your data (see section 3) will be processed on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6, para. 1a, of the EU's GDPR. You may permanently withdraw your consent at any time. This also applies to declarations of consent given prior to the entry into effect of the GDPR (May 25, 2018). In all other cases, the legal basis for using your contact data for online surveys is our legitimate interest in such surveys for optimizing our products and services and for market research in accordance with Art. 6, para. 1f, of the GDPR.

5 Will my data be shared?

  1. We may use service providers (referred to as "Processors") who will process your data as instructed by us to prepare, organize, conduct and evaluate the surveys. We use Mercedes-Benz Consulting as the processor to prepare, conduct and evaluate the surveys. Mercedes-Benz Consulting is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz AG. To execute the technological aspects of the surveys, we currently use Rogator AG in Nuremberg as a processor. The disclosure of your data to these organizations by Mercedes-Benz AG takes place under strict confidentiality obligations and under the criteria of the GDPR and the German Federal Data Protection Act. The data processors commissioned by us, who may only process the data for us and not for their own purposes, are obligated to comply with the strict standards of Mercedes-Benz AG.

6 Will my data be sent to a third-party country or an international organization?

  1. Data will not be transferred to countries outside the EU or EEA ("third countries") unless we are required to do so by official order or court order.

7 Does automated decision-making take place?

  1. No automated decision-making takes place.

8 How long will my data be stored?

  1. In the case of surveys, we delete the link between your name or e-mail address and your responses upon conclusion of the survey. Analysis is then performed using anonymous data unless you have given your express consent to be contacted again regarding a certain subject. Every 36 months at the latest, you will be asked to update your data and confirm or cancel your registration. You will be deleted from the database following, at the most, 18 months of inactivity on the platform. Your data you provide during registration is stored on the basis of your consent. Your data will be stored until you delete your profile from the Retail Panel or you withdraw your consent.

9 What rights do I have with respect to Mercedes-Benz AG?

  1. You have extensive rights regarding the processing of your personal data. Making you aware of these rights is very important to us:

    • Right of access: You have a right to information regarding the data stored with us, especially for the purpose of the processing and the duration of the data storage (Article 15 GDPR).
    • Right to rectification of inaccurate data: You have a right to demand from us the immediate correction of your personal data, should it be inaccurate (Article 16 GDPR).
    • Right to erasure: You have the right to demand that we delete your personal data. The criteria allow you to demand the deletion of your personal data if we, for instance, no longer need the personal data for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed, if we unlawfully process the data, or if you have rightfully objected to the use of your data, revoked your consent to the same or there is a legal obligation to delete (Article 17 GDPR).
    • Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to demand a restriction of the processing of your data. This right especially applies for the duration of the review if you have disputed the accuracy of your personal data, as well as in the case that, for an existing right to deletion, you request restricted processing instead of erasure. Furthermore, there will be restricted processing if the data is no longer required for our purposes, but you still need the data in order to assert, exercise or defend legal rights, as well as if the successful assertion of an objection is in dispute between you and us (Article 18 GDPR).
    • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided us with in a structured, common, machine-readable format from us (Article 20 GDPR), provided said data has not already been deleted.

  2. If you would like to exercise one of your rights or receive more information about them, please send an e-mail to retail_panel@mercedes-benz.com or write to:

  3. Mercedes-Benz AG
    HPC H501, GCSP/ORS Retail Panel
    71032 Böblingen

10 Can I withdraw my consent to data processing?

  1. You can withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, with future effect and free of charge. This also applies to declarations of consent given prior to the entry in effect of the EU General Data Protection Regulation – that is, before May 25, 2018. The withdrawal of a declaration of consent can be sent by email to retail_panel@mercedes-benz.com or in writing to:

  2. Mercedes-Benz AG
    HPC H501, GCSP/ORS Retail Panel
    71032 Böblingen

  3. Please note that the withdrawal of consent is only effective for the future. Any processing done before the withdrawal is not affected by this. By withdrawing your consent and preventing us from processing your data, we may no longer be able to provide our services in whole or in part and, therefore, may be obligated to terminate the existing contract.

11 Can I object to the processing of my personal data?

  1. You have the right, for reasons arising from your specific situation, to object at any time to the processing of personal data about you (Article 21 GDPR). We will no longer process your personal data unless we can prove compulsory, legitimate reasons for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing is required to assert, exercise or defend against legal claims. If you wish to object to the processing of your personal data, please send an e-mail to us at retail_panel@mercedes-benz.com or write to Mercedes-Benz AG, HPCH501, GCSP/ORS Retail Panel, 71032 Böblingen. In case of an objection, however, it is possible that we will no longer be able to provide the services agreed with you or not within the agreed scope.

12 Right to complain to a supervisory authority

  1. If you feel that we are violating the GDPR by processing personal data about you, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, e.g. a data protection agency responsible for your place of residence, workplace or location where the alleged data protection violation occurred.

Last update: January 2024

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